Parts 2 and 3 are from
The thread is about one husband's journey into forced womanhood by his very strong wife. I love this story and hope you do too. Edita, if indeed she is real, is amazing.
I am Edita from Holland. I am looking for other wifes who have similar experiences as I have...
I will tell my story in short. 10 years ago, I got married at the age of 23, my husband was 21. We were expecting a child, and decided it was better to get married.
I have always been interested in feminine males. My brother grew up as a sissy (he was the youngest and only boy among five children in the family). I don't remember him in pants...
After I got married, I very quickly secured the dominating position in our marriage. When my husband graduated from college, he was not able to find a job. I was successfully working in a computer company at that time. So we agreed that he would stay at home, taking care of the household and our daughter. Pretty much that was the time I decided to feminize my husband. I started out with female underwear, continued via a few "dressing games" until he accepted to wear female clothing only. I then had his body hair removed by laser treatment, had a few corrective cosmetic surgeries, etc. In 2006 I had him started on hormones. Since 2007 (due to the hormones he could not "perform" as a male anymore) he lives completely as a woman.
To make a long story short, over the past 8 years, my husband has become a real woman, he had breast augmentation in 2007 and he completed his journey into womanhood by having his Reassignment Surgery in July 2010.
I am very satisfied with my "work". Many people ask me why I had him completely demaled as that stopped any male/female relationship. I did this because I just felt better living with MtF TG rather than a "crossdresser". After he got me pregnant, he had fulfilled all of his male duties, that's all I wanted from him as a man.
We are staying married (which is possible here). After some early difficulties, my husband is a happy woman now and has fully accepted his role in the family and obediently follows my instructions. Our daughter understands the situation very well and has no problems with it.
I only allow very feminine clothes for him to wear, i.e. skirts must not be longer than three inches above the knee.
I would like to know, if there are more women here, who have gone as far as we did. I would be interesting to hear about their lives.
PART 2 (reply to an email)
Hello Nancy!

The initial reactions to his feminization were very negative. He didn't want to have anything to do with it. He even left me and our child as he thought he could make it on his own. He soon realized that he couldn't as I had secured all our money and belongings and he had nothing. He was unable to find a job because I did everything to prevent him being hired anywhere. He could not collect unemployment benefits or social welfare as the authorities told him that he needed to talk to me for support as I had enough income... So he came back... And I told him the moment he walked through the door that his male was over forever...
I had him take off all his male clothing in the hallway before he entered any other room and had him wear a complete female outfit, from underwear, pantyhose to skirt and blouse. Then I let him in. And that's what he has been wearing since. I had all his male clothing destroyed the next day. I do not allow any pants, etc.
I know he hated it, but he gave in, he had no choice.
When I had him put on hormones, he started some resistance again, but I reminded him what the rules were. Another critical moment was when he realized that he was not functioning as a man anymore. He dared to ask our doctor if things could be reversed but again I made sure he would understand his role in our life.

When I decided that it was time for the finalization, he did not resist anymore. He had the operation done and, since then, things have relaxed quite a bit. He is a she now and with the help of some counselors, my husband has found her inner peace and has adjusted quite well.
I am very pleased, it was a long way, but I (we) succeeded.
I even had her date a man once to make her first female intimate experience. I had her report everything to me and after her first time as a woman she begged me not to have to be with a man again. If she doesn't want to enjoy her new equipment, fine with me. Although I think it's a waste, she does not have to. I know she would like to date women but I will not allow her to do this. I still date men once in a while but nothing firm as I don't want any continues relationship. She doesn't like me to do that but I shut her up by offering the man to her after I am done...
Some of my friends and family members are of the opinion that I am cruel by bringing home other men. I don't think so. Especially since my husband could do the same thing if she only wanted to. It is her decision not to do it. What do you think?
Ms. Edita:
You are ahead of your time. As more and more (fake) males are admitting and owning up to their sissy side, and women are more andnmore comfortable taking charge, it's only a matter of time that more and more women will take charge as you have and sieze power to life a happier and more fulfilling life.
I too, as a sissy, would only dream of such a life here in the US.
On another board some postulated that human life is female and males are simply here for reproduction and service, even as playthings for women.
Would love to know more and more about you and your now sissy wife.
Thanks for being ahead of your time.
sissy cindy lynn