In my everyday life I have a very stressful job where I am in charge of over 50 people and I am also firing and hiring people. I also have to be in charge of most of the household finances etc. Over the past few months my wife has brought up during passionate times, about feminizing me. She feels it would be a worthwhile distraction! A few weeks ago, she sat down with me and had me read some articles about feminization.
I wasn't sure she was that serious! Now I must admit that I get turned on over the thought! She now wants to fully feminize me which consists of corset training to create a permanent feminine figure and growing real feminine breasts along with laser hair removal and eventually feminine facial surgery! She said I could basically transfer from my job to another location where people are far more tolerant about my new role.
I researched it for a few long nights after work on the net. She was right about the location and what a great location too! She also felt she would become in charge and I could experience a new and rewarding life. As a woman! I spent almost a solid two weeks dwelling on this and every time I delve into the idea, I get very turned on! My question to the ladies here is...If you, as a woman were to convince your hubby to do this, would you find it a turn on and enjoy his new role as a Her? What would you feel is the biggest advantage for the both of you as a couple? Thanks! I wanted feedback because if I actually feel good about this (As I somewhat do) It all begins in a few days!
If you really love her, then obey her wishes. You have said that she has decided you should have your own breasts, then obey her. You said she wants to corset train you, then obey her. I really don't see the dilemma here.
I agree with Keely - Obey her wishes on this. Her decision has been made - you WILL be Feminized and grow cute breasts for Her. Clearly, Feminization is Her desire and you need to go along. If you're having a problem with the extent of the Feminization She will be putting you through - then think of it as 'Forced Feminization'. That way it's no longer your decision to make - you are freed of the responsibilities and consequences. There really isn't a dilemma any more - She has taken Control!
That's wonderful. You don't need to go all the way publicly unless you want to though. Just delve into it and see what it brings to you. The fact that your wife is interested in it opens up a wonderful opportunity for you. There is a book on Amazon called, "Feminizing Men - A Guide for males to achieve maximum feminization." Some wives evidently have given it to their husbands to make their feminization easier and more complete. It's short, but requires the feminizing male to be diligent and do many things which will truly help them project a more feminine appearance and attitude. Good luck on your journey you lucky gurl!

REVIEW: This is a great book that helps with and walks a man through the whole process of becoming more of a feminist, not only in appearance, but also personality-wise. When my brother chose to do this, my family opposed. But I had to be there for him. I wanted to support his decision. And so, when I came across this book, I immediately picked it up and gave it to him. And it meant so much to him. He, in fact, claims that it changed his life.
This book doesn't beat around the bush and directly tells you how to begin with the process. It tells you everything you need to know and do. At no point during the transition will you find yourself confused, thanks to this book. I think the authors have done a brilliant job of getting across a message that usually isn't that easy to approach. They have portrayed the message in a truly amazing way.
I would recommend this book to absolutely anybody that wants to undergo this transition. This book also helps for psychological studies or psychology assignments related to this subject. Brilliant work!